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People - Campus Champions

Picture First Name Last Name Sort descending Institution Program Roles Affinity Groups Tags
Placeholder headshot image Glen Maclachlan George Washington University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Wyatt Madej Manhattan College Campus Champions cisercf
Placeholder headshot image Asif Ahamed Magdoom Ali University of Missouri - Columbia Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Nick Maggio University of Oregon Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Christopher Maher University of North Carolina at Charlotte Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Ahmed Mahmoud Weill Medical College of Cornell University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Sridhar Malkaram West Virginia State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Steven Mamaril University of Guam Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Harry Mangalam University of California-Irvine Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Thomas Marcais Washington and Lee University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Ruth Marinshaw Stanford University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Trina Marmarelli Reed College Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Eric Marshall Rutgers University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Arianna Martin Southwestern Oklahoma State University Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Glenn Martin University of Central Florida Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Brian Marxkors University of Missouri - Columbia Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Melchizedek Mashiku Georgia State University Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Natalie Mason Arizona State University Campus Champions student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image David Mathias University of Wisconsin - La Crosse Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Shawn Matott Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Roberta Mazzoli Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Michael Mcallister Vanderbilt University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Debra McCaffrey Arizona State University ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions, RMACC rcf
Placeholder headshot image James McClure Virginia Tech University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Jordan McDonnell Francis Marion University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Zaid McKie-Krisberg SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University Campus Champions rcf
Headshot of Kali  McLennan Kali McLennan University of Oklahoma Campus Champions, Great Plains mentorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Patrick McMahon University of Delaware Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Rick McMullen Texas A & M University-College Station Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Susan Mehringer Cornell University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Perdeep Mehta Noble Research Institute, LLC Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Henk Meij Wesleyan University Campus Champions rcf