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People - Campus Champions

Picture First Name Last Name Sort descending Institution Program Roles Affinity Groups Tags
Headshot of Diego Menéndez Diego Menéndez Pennsylvania State University ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Kit Menlove Idaho National Laboratory Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image DJ Merrill Bowdoin College Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Todd Merritt University of Arizona Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Blake Mertz West Virginia University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Allan Metts Georgia Institute of Technology Campus Champions rcf
Headshot of Benjamin Meyers Benjamin Meyers Rochester Institute of Technology Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Mark Meysenburg Doane University - Arts & Sciences Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Paul Mezzanini Rochester Institute of Technology Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Magdalen Michalczyk Manhattan College Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Adam Michel University of Arizona Campus Champions rcf
Headshot of Timothy Middelkoop Timothy Middelkoop Internet2 ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions, CCMNet, Great Plains mentorregional facilitatorresearcher/educatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Deshon Miguel Arizona State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Lauren Milechin Massachusetts Institute of Technology Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Tom Milledge Duke University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Ernest Miller Federal Reserve Bank Of New York Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Samuel Millette Pomona College Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Peter Mills Washington State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Sean Mitchuson University of Akron Main Campus Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Claire Mizumoto University of California - San Diego Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Andrew Monaghan University of Colorado, Boulder RMACC, Campus Champions mentorrcf
Headshot of Daniel Morales Daniel Morales Florida International University Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Tom Morrell California Institute of Technology Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Alex Moskalenko University of Florida Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Fangping Mu University of Pittsburgh Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Ashok Mudgapalli University of Nebraska Medical Center Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Jens Mueller Miami University - Oxford Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image John Mulligan Rice University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Adam Munro Yale University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Tylar Murray University of South Florida - St Petersburg Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Omar Zintan Mwinila-Yuori Pomona College Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Michael Navicky Mississippi State University Campus Champions rcf