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People - CAREERS

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Placeholder headshot image Elizabeth Pauley University of Rhode Island CAREERS student facilitator
Headshot of Chuck Pavloski Chuck Pavloski Pennsylvania State University Campus Champions, CAREERS mentorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Joshua Port University of Rhode Island CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Yuan Qu Rutgers University CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Gloria Raise New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Sanguthevar Rajasekaran University of Connecticut CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Eric Rangel URI CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Ahmed Rashed Shippensburg University CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Ahmed Rashed Shippensburg University CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Nour Rashed Pennsylvania State University CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Ahmed Rashed Shippensburg University CAREERS researcher/educator
Headshot of Zoe Reich Zoe Reich Rutgers University New Brunswick CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Brenna Rojek Bryant University CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Gail Rosen Drexel University CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Seth Rosen Colgate University CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Alan Rothman University of Rhode Island CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Johana Rotterova Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Katie Salas New York City College of Technology CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Chitral Samala Rutgers University CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Sayan Samanta Brown University CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Jim Samuel Rutgers University CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Jesse Sandberg Rutgers University-Camden CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Philip Saponaro University of Delaware CAREERS mentor
Placeholder headshot image Kwaku Sarh CUNY SPS CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Michael Seifert Connecticut College CAREERS researcher/educator
Placeholder headshot image Parth Shah New Jersey Institute of Technology CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Nidhibahen Shah University of Connecticut CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Krittika Shahani Pennsylvania State University CAREERS student facilitator
Placeholder headshot image Nanditha shankar New Jersey Institute of Technology CAREERS mentor
Placeholder headshot image Matt Shatley University of Delaware CAREERS mentor
Placeholder headshot image Sydney Shearer Juniata College CAREERS student facilitator
Headshot of Ibrahim Sheikh Ibrahim Sheikh CUNY School of Professional Studies CAREERS student facilitatormentorregional facilitatorresearcher/educatorrcf