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People - Campus Champions

Picture First Name Last Name Sort descending Institution Program Roles Affinity Groups Tags
Placeholder headshot image Sanjaya Gajurel Case Western Reserve University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Kevin Galloway University of Alaska Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Todd Gamblin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Girish Ganesan Rutgers University Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Juan Jose Garcia Mesa Arizona State University Campus Immersion ACCESS CSSN, Campus Champions rcf
Headshot of Juanjo Garcia Mesa Juanjo Garcia Mesa Arizona State University CCMNet, Campus Champions rsercf
Headshot of Jack Garmer Jack Garmer James Madison University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image George Garrett Columbia University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image William Garrick Portland State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image David Garrison University of Houston-Clear Lake Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Nathaniel Garver-Daniels West Virginia University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Ami Gaspar University of Maine System Campus Champions, Northeast rcf
Headshot of Clark Gaylord Clark Gaylord George Washington University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Vikram Gazula University of Kentucky Campus Champions, Kentucky mentorregional facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Feng George Yu Youngstown State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Nathaniel Getachew Pomona College Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Headshot of Forough Ghahramani Forough Ghahramani NJ Edge Campus Champions, CCMNet rcf
Placeholder headshot image Joel Giedt Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Wayne Gilmore Boston University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Richard Gilmore Colorado School of Mines Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Paul Gluhosky Yale University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Thomas Goff Middle Tennessee State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Duber Gomez-Fonseca Jackson State University Campus Champions student facilitatorrcf
Placeholder headshot image Joshua Gonzalez Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Peter Goode Lafayette College Campus Champions, CCMNet rcf
Placeholder headshot image Janice Gordon United States Geological Survey Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Simo Goshev Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Patrick Gossman Wayne State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Raju Gottumukkala University of Louisiana at Lafayette Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Richard Gould Arizona State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Werner Goveya San Jose State University Campus Champions rcf
Placeholder headshot image Gowtham Gowtham Michigan Technological University Campus Champions rcf