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Past Events

Training and Events

Title Event Date Description
ACES: Using the Slurm Scheduler on Composable Resources 02/13/24 - 02:30 PM - 05:00 PM EST

This Short Course (2.5 hours) introduces researchers to the Slurm scheduler on the ACES cluster, a composable accelerator testbed at Texas A&M University. Topics covered include multiple job scheduling approaches and job management tools.

More information about this Short Course at

Introduction to Composable Resources: ACES and FASTER 02/13/24 - 11:00 AM - 01:30 PM EST

Research computing on the composable ACES and FASTER clusters

This course will provide an overview of composable technology, where hardware can be reallocated between servers based on user requirements, featuring the advanced accelerators available on the composable ACES and FASTER clusters at Texas A&M University. Topics covered include hardware, access, policies, file systems, and batch processing.

ACCESS Pegasus Office Hours 02/09/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

During office hours you can ask questions about running workflows or bags of tasks on ACCESS resources. These sessions are an excellent opportunity for both new and existing users to learn and engage. You can expect:

AI for Science Using Delta 02/08/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

NCSA is hosting a hands-on AI training series comprised of ten sessions to enable researchers to become proficient in using AI techniques on modern supercomputers. This series will be taught by experienced AI practitioners and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced AI topics. Each session will begin at 1 PM (CT) with an approximate duration of 1 hour. Presentation materials and software ready to use on Delta will be provided. All sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing by registrants on NCSA's HPC-Moodle

ACES: Running Jupyter Notebook on the ACES Portal 02/06/24 - 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM EST

This 1-hour primer covers starting and using a Jupyter notebook in Open OnDemand on the ACES cluster, a composable accelerator testbed at Texas A&M University.

More information about this primer at

ACES: Using the Slurm Scheduler 02/06/24 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

This 1-hour primer covers various job scheduling approaches using the Slurm Workload Manager on the ACES cluster, a composable accelerator testbed at Texas A&M University.

More information about this primer at

Anvil 101 02/02/24 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EST

This webinar covers the basics of connecting to Anvil, managing the user environment, running jobs, and data management. Knowledge of basic UNIX commands and submitting batch jobs to a cluster will be helpful.

Topics Overview:

ACCESS Pegasus Office Hours 02/02/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

During office hours you can ask questions about running workflows or bags of tasks on ACCESS resources. These sessions are an excellent opportunity for both new and existing users to learn and engage. You can expect:

AI for Science Using Delta 02/01/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

NCSA is hosting a hands-on AI training series comprised of ten sessions to enable researchers to become proficient in using AI techniques on modern supercomputers. This series will be taught by experienced AI practitioners and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced AI topics. Each session will begin at 1 PM (CT) with an approximate duration of 1 hour. Presentation materials and software ready to use on Delta will be provided. All sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing by registrants on NCSA's HPC-Moodle

COMPLECS: Linux Tools for File Processing 02/01/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM EST

Many computational and data processing workloads require pre-processing of input files to get the data into a format that is compatible with the user’s application and/or post-processing of output files to extract key results for further analysis. While these operations could be done by hand, they tend to be time-consuming, tedious and, worst of all, error prone. In this session we cover the Linux tools awk, sed, grep, sort, head, tail, cut, paste, cat and split, which will help users to easily automate repetitive tasks.

Open OnDemand Tips and Tricks Call 02/01/24 - 01:00 PM - 01:30 PM EST

Hosted by the community, tips and tricks webinars share best practices of all things Open OnDemand. They take place on the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. ET.  Recordings of previous events are available on the Open OnDemand website

HPC Monthly Workshop: Machine Learning and BIG DATA 01/29/24 - 11:00 AM - 01/31/ - 05:00 PM EST

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to present a Machine Learning and Big Data workshop, sponsored by ACCESS.

This workshop will focus on topics including big data analytics and machine learning with Spark, and deep learning using Tensorflow.


This will be an IN PERSON event hosted by various satellite sites, there WILL NOT be a direct to desktop option for this event.  The satellite site list (subject to change) is as follows:

ACCESS Pegasus Office Hours 01/26/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

During office hours you can ask questions about running workflows or bags of tasks on ACCESS resources. These sessions are an excellent opportunity for both new and existing users to learn and engage. You can expect:

AI for Science Using Delta 01/25/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

NCSA is hosting a hands-on AI training series comprised of ten sessions to enable researchers to become proficient in using AI techniques on modern supercomputers. This series will be taught by experienced AI practitioners and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced AI topics. Each session will begin at 1 PM (CT) with an approximate duration of 1 hour. Presentation materials and software ready to use on Delta will be provided. All sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing by registrants on NCSA's HPC-Moodle

AI for Science Using Delta 01/18/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST

NCSA is hosting a hands-on AI training series comprised of ten sessions to enable researchers to become proficient in using AI techniques on modern supercomputers. This series will be taught by experienced AI practitioners and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced AI topics. Each session will begin at 1 PM (CT) with an approximate duration of 1 hour. Presentation materials and software ready to use on Delta will be provided. All sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing by registrants on NCSA's HPC-Moodle

COMPLECS: Intermediate Linux and Shell Scripting 01/18/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM EST

Knowledge of Linux is indispensable for using advanced CI. While GUIs are becoming more prevalent, being able to work at the command line interface (CLI) provides the greatest power and flexibility. In this session, we assume that participants are already comfortable with basic Linux operations such as creating, deleting and renaming files, and navigating between directories.

How to Write a Successful Maximize ACCESS Allocations Request 01/16/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM EST

This live webinar is targeted toward researchers with the largest-scale resource needs. Maximize ACCESS Allocations represent the largest-scale opportunities available. Join the ACCESS Allocations team to discuss the required components, review criteria, and other information required to craft a successful Maximize request. 

Maximize requests are accepted from December 15 to January 31. They are reviewed in early March 2024, and successful requests will begin or renew on April 1.

Open OnDemand Zoom Office Hours 01/09/24 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST

Meet with the Open OnDemand project team at this informal monthly meeting! All topics are welcome, and team members will drop into a breakout session with you to cover site-specific issues if needed.

COMPLECS: Parallel Computing Concepts 01/04/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM EST

All users of advanced cyberinfrastructure, whether they develop their own software or use 3rd party applications, should understand fundamental parallel computing concepts. In this webinar we cover supercomputer architectures, the differences between threads and processes, implementations of parallelism (e.g., OpenMP and MPI), strong and weak scaling, limitations on scalability (Amdahl’s and Gustafson’s Laws) and benchmarking.

Open OnDemand Tips and Tricks Call 01/04/24 - 01:00 PM - 01:30 PM EST

Hosted by the community, tips and tricks webinars share best practices of all things Open OnDemand. They take place on the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. ET.  Recordings of previous events are available on the Open OnDemand website

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