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ByteBoost Applications for in-person Workshop Now Being Accepted


The ByteBoost team is thrilled to announce the launch of the ByteBoost Cybertraining Program. This groundbreaking program is driven by the imperative to enhance researchers' proficiency and productivity when navigating cutting-edge, specialized computing technologies. By offering experiential learning opportunities on modern computing technologies, ByteBoost will empower researchers to make the best computing choices in the ever-changing landscape of computational technology. This initiative will focus on supporting researchers to use the technologies of three NSF supported computing testbeds - Ookami, Neocortex, and ACES, and is supported by NSF award OAC-2320990.

Immerse yourself in an intensive week-long workshop designed to provide hands-on experience with the featured testbed architectures. Participants will gain valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of these technologies. They will work in teams to address capstone challenges (capstone projects). As an outcome, participants will decide on which of the three testbed platforms they will implement their capstone projects. 

Everybody can apply to attend the workshop. 25 participants will be selected and invited to Pittsburgh. Travel, lodging, and food (breakfast and lunch) will be covered by the program.
The webinars will be recorded and available online for those who can’t make it to those events. Everybody applying to attend the in-person workshop is expected to participate in the webinars

To complete the application for the workshop, you will need:

  • CV (pdf format, one page) - including previous computing experiences, skills and field of science
  • Abstract of a proposed capstone project (pdf, one page) - tell us about your research and its computational needs. 

Applications for the program will be accepted from February 16th to March 16th.

More information, and the link to apply, can be found on the program website:


Affinity Group