Produce manually annotated ground-truth images to serve as a reference for cross-validation of the existing pipeline. This includes host and pathogen structures segmented by the pipeline. Similarly, produce virtual ground-truth images by running a simulation model of 3D fungal infection in raw image data. Run DeepXScope on existing datasets and estimate accuracy of the pipeline (following methods used previously by our team). Test whether retraining the CNN is required for images from different microscopy platforms. For each dataset, produce graphical and statistical summaries of the quantitative output. Validate and improve the existing README documentation ( and create a graphical portrayal of the pipeline.
Graduate student with skills in scientific computing. Should be comfortable command line operations (shell, python) to install and use DeepXScope on a local machine or a high-performance computing cluster. Experience with machine learning is a plus.
University of Delaware
CR-University of Delaware
Already behind3Start date is flexible
6 months
The student will learn how to cross-validate a model for segmenting 3D image data by manual and simulation-based techniques. The student will gain experience in summarising and presenting their results and with constructing a graphical representation for a computational pipeline. The student will be guided by a team using computer vision and microscopy analysis to tackle questions in plant biology.