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Developing subject-specific models for the study of traumatic brain injury

Submission Number: 137
Submission ID: 241
Submission UUID: 7dd2f3b7-cff2-4f82-922e-6921e5eb451a
Submission URI: /form/project

Created: Fri, 01/28/2022 - 09:16
Completed: Fri, 01/28/2022 - 09:16
Changed: Wed, 05/01/2024 - 15:44

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Rika Carlsen
Language: English

Is draft: No
Webform: Project
Developing subject-specific models for the study of traumatic brain injury
finite-element-analysis (588), image-processing (299), matlab (2), programming (5), unix-environment (60), workflow (365)

Project Leader

Rika Carlsen

Project Personnel

Anu Tripathi
Jordan Myers

Project Information

Our research group is developing a workflow for generating subject-specific finite element head models from medical imaging data. These head models are applied to simulate blunt impact and blast loading scenarios with a goal of predicting the severity of brain injury. The model generation process includes segmenting the functional and structural regions of the brain, generating an appropriate finite element mesh, and incorporating structural details from medical imaging data. We are seeking a student who is interested in learning the steps in the workflow and developing new methods for improving the anatomical accuracy of these models.

Project Information Subsection

The project deliverables include the following: (a) Obtain the brain segmentation from subject-specific MRI scans, using the AI-based medical image processing software FreeSurfer. (2) Generate the skull segmentation for the subject using the software FSL, (3) Combine the segmentations and manually add remaining anatomical segmentations (CSF, dura, falx, tentorium) using the software 3D Slicer, (4) Run in-house MATLAB codes to generate finite element mesh from the segmentations, (5) Repeat process (Steps 1 – 4) for additional subjects.
The candidate should have some MATLAB programming experience. Ability to program in a Linux/Unix environment is desirable. Experience/knowledge in medical image processing and finite element analysis (Abaqus) is a plus.
One programming class
Robert Morris University
6001 University Blvd
Moon Township, Pennsylvania. 15108
CR-Penn State
Already behind5Start date is flexible
3 months
  • Milestone Title: Brain Segmentation
    Milestone Description: Obtain brain segmentation from a subject-specific MRI scan, using the AI-based medical image processing software FreeSurfer (1 week)
    Completion Date Goal: 2022-07-08
  • Milestone Title: Skull Segmentation
    Milestone Description: Generate the skull segmentation for the subject using the software FSL (1 week)
    Completion Date Goal: 2022-07-15
  • Milestone Title: Segmentation of Remaining Anatomical Structures
    Milestone Description: Combine the segmentations and manually add remaining anatomical segmentations (CSF, dura, falx, tentorium) using the software 3D Slicer (2 - 3 weeks)
    Completion Date Goal: 2022-08-05
  • Milestone Title: Create Finite Element Mesh
    Milestone Description: Run in-house MATLAB codes to generate finite element mesh from the segmentations (1 week)
    Completion Date Goal: 2022-08-12
  • Milestone Title: Repeat for Additional Subjects
    Milestone Description: Repeat process (Steps 1 – 4) for additional subjects (4 - 6 weeks)
    Completion Date Goal: 2022-09-23
The generated models will be used in future finite element modeling studies of traumatic brain injury, which will be published.
The student will learn about subject-specific modeling, gain hands on experience in medical image analysis, and learn how to generate a voxel-based finite element mesh.
Our current XSEDE allocation can be used to test the results. Several open-source software packages will be used (Freesurfer, FSL, 3D Slicer), and the only required commercial software package is MATLAB.

Final Report
